Meridian Hill Pictures is a mission-driven documentary production company proudly based in Washington, DC. Since 2010, through our unique model employing social-impact films, media arts trainings, and digital impact campaigns, we have helped dozens of diverse clients and partners use the power of documentary to create real, measurable impact in the communities they serve.
MHP makes films through building trust with all participants, honest storytelling and an inherent respect for all perspectives. MHP’s work raises awareness of pressing social issues, democratizes the medium, builds people’s storytelling capacity, and strategically shares under-represented community perspectives with broad audiences.
Meridian Hill Pictures’ independent films have been featured at respected film festivals including the San Francisco International Film Festival, Annapolis Film Festival, DC Shorts, and DC Environmental Film Festival. Columbia Gorge International Film Festival. MHP has worked with nonprofit clients including AARP Foundation, National Park Service, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Ashoka Foundation, and International Baccalaureate. In 2014, MHP received the Mayor's Arts Award, the highest honor given to working artists in the District of Columbia.
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